
藤原裕策 FUJIWARA Yusaku 「Dance with the shadow」2010年7月10日(土)〜7月31日(土)  13時〜19時 日月火祝休み オープニングレセプション:7月10日(土) 17時〜19時30分 July 10 - 31 2010  13:00 - 19:00 closed on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and national holidays. Reception for the Artist  July 10 17:00 - 19:30

彩色した後は、「彫る」というマイナスの作業のみによって’生と死’ や ’陽と陰’ など 相反するイメージが錯綜する画面を仕上げていきます。

Art Partyを7月23日(金)に開催いたします。夕方から参加費が必要です。
詳細はCIVIC ARTのwebサイトをご覧ください。

We mainly exhibit his 'board picture,' the unique way to color and curve on board.
After coloring, he completed the work only by curving, that is, subtracting act.
By this work, the opposite images - 'life and death,' 'positive and negative' and so on - mingle themselves on a board.
He tries to express uneasiness lurking in everyday life and the chaotic power of life.

We have an Art Party on July 23th, Friday. From the evening, you have to pay charge.
We will have the talk by FUJIWARA Yusaku and OKAZATO Takashi as a guest, a curator of The Ueno Royal Museum.