
小泉朋美 「ひびく」koizumi tomomi solo exhibition ‘echo’ 2011年4月30日(土) - 6月4日(土) 13時 - 19時 April 30 - June 4 開廊日:水木金土 13:00 - 19:00 Open Wednesday -  Saturday 13:00 - 19:00 5月11日(水) - 14日(土)は休廊 Closed May 11 - 14 日月火祝は休廊 Closed on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and national holidays. オープニングレセプション: 4月30日(土) 18:00 - 20:00 Reception for the artist  : April 30 18:00 - 20:00 5月12日(木) - 15日(日) ヤングアート台北に出展いたします。 May 11 - 14  YOUNG ART TAIPEI

世界は そういった全ての存在の影響力が ひびきあって成り立っているように思う。
その波長を受けると 僅かずつでも自分のかたちは変わるだろう。



I hear the sound of the wind.
I think about the influence of the people, the atmosphere emanating from the landscape, the words, the sound, the color, the smell, the shape, and the fact that they are there.
I think that the world is made from the resonance of such influences’ existence.
Receiving this wavelength will make me change, little by little.

The world in which we live, together with myself is constantly changing.
I can confirm my own existence from the existence of a changing world.

Tomomi Koizumi

作家は、物理的に振動することで‘ひびく’「音」や「もの」や「言葉」と共に、計測不能で感覚的に‘ひびく’人同士や人の心や思い、感情的な 風景 季節 などを思い描いている。



振り返ってみたら、生きていくこと とは、変わっていくこと だけが変わらない理なのだろう と小泉朋美の一連の創作によって想起されるのだ。

The title of the actual exhibition of Tomomi Koizumi, is 'resonance'.
The thought of the artist, expressed in daringly few words, is sublimated along with her work.
The author, paints emotional landscapes and seasons views, humans and its feelings that vibrates in a sensuously and immeasurable way, together along with “sounds”, “words” and things that vibrate physically.
In addition, the English word 'echo', has the connotation of the passage of time and the vestiges of the past.
These concepts altogether are the most important elements of the core of this works.

Furthermore the resonance of these all things, feedbacks itself and influences each other, changing themselves in a loop.
And after the loop, in the border of change, oneself and the others also change.
Koizumi leaves a trace in her creation catching images like this, to confirm her existence.
This is the first time she works with three-dimensional artworks, but the viewer will be lit by the resonant wavelength of these works that shine from inside, and that leave an ephemeral trace, changing together with the world.

Looking back, what is recalled from Koizumi Tomomi’s works, is “in life, change is the only logic that never changes”.