
堀越達人 HORIKOSHI Tatsuhito You are so cool.  2013年9月21日(土) - 10月12日(土)  Sep 21 - Oct 12  オープニングレセプション 9月21日(土) 18:00 - Opening reception for the artist  Sep 21 18:00 -






人物は俗っぽい存在だったり、ときには神様の様な存在として描いています。無垢さのなかにもシニカルで付き放した感覚を大事にしています  ©Ohshima Fine Art

Based on the memories and experiences in the past, HORIKOSHI Tatsuhito use the portrait to reflect the one who he wants to be.
Though he disguises himself, does some strange poses in the artwork, it is also said to be a moment in which the body is being shown unclear.

For example, we can act as a different character when we play a game. To HORIKOSHI Tatsuhito, it is very special to be able to act as another person.
He thinks it is a hope and a good thing to him. It is a contradiction that, everyone wishes to try to change to be another person, but at the same time people are afraid of losing their own character.

It is also applicable to what we feel when we live, and what we think towards life.

He loves drawing the existence of unclear body, and also things which are not understandable.
These things make people feel sympathy, and also feel calm.
Though it may make people feel unstable when things are not clear and not understandable, it also implies a hope that everybody has the chance to make it possible.
HOROKOSHI Tatsuhito loves this way of thinking. But he does not like the stories which drive to despair.
Everyone wishes to become another person. He also thinks that the internet makes a person become possible to become a number of different people.

Sometimes, people are impure. Sometimes, people are just like God. He treasures a lot about the substances inside the purity of people in his artwork. ©Ohshima Fine Art

變身的願望是任何人都會想要的擁有的,在現在網際網路中一個人可以扮演這無數的角色就可以看的出來。人物的存在是庸俗的,有時候可以以天神的樣貌存在著。但在純淨之中有時適度的釋放憤世忌俗感是很重要的。 ©Ohshima Fine Art